Photos of Monken Hadley Common

scrub toad stools on tree rainbow fisherman beechglade Jack's lake autumn rainbow on Sewitts hill


of the Members on Monday 28th October 2024 at 7.30pm at Old Fold Manor Golf Club, Old Fold Lane, Hadley Green, Barnet EN5 4QN.


  1. Election of chair of the meeting
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Minutes of last AGM to be approved
  4. Matters arising
  5. Retirement and election of trustees for decision*
  6. (a) Trustees’ Annual Report for the period 1-4-23 to 31-3-24
    (b) Receipts & payments accounts 1-4-23 to 31-3-24 to be received
  7. Curators’ Report
  8. Secretary’s Report for information**
  9. Any other business**
  10. * Andrew Peter Walker and William Boyes are retiring by rotation in accordance with the Constitution as they have served longest in office but offer themselves for re-election. Linden Reilly, a long-term volunteer, and Leonora Petrou, who joined the volunteers more recently, wish to stand for election. The members are asked to vote to elect Andrew Peter Walker, William Boyes, Linden Reilly & Leonora Petrou.

    ** reports to follow

    Please find attached items 3, 6(a) & 6(b) as above.

    Gary Chambers
    Secretary to the Trustees
    September 2023

    N.B. You may appoint a proxy to attend & vote for you. Please refer to clause 11(7) of the Constitution which is on the web-site Proxy notices must be given to the Secretary by post to 23, Tudor Rd, Barnet EN5 5NW or by email to by 12 noon on 16-10-24.

Vacancies corner

  1. Woodlands volunteer - we are looking for someone with expertise on woodlands in general to join either as a volunteer or, possibly, as a trustee. Please contact for more details.