
Take a look here at some of the wonderful things growing on the Common in December and January...

In summer 2024 local musician Ilona Domnich hosted three concerts by the shores of Jack's Lake. More concerts are planned for summer 2025...

We have recently undertaken a review with our arboriculture advisor and noted trees which need or may need attention in the future. ...

New Tarmac has recently been laid at the entrance to the car park, and many other uneven surfaces have been filled....

In late summer 2024 we liaised with Barnet Council to get the main bridleway (a public right of way) re-surfaced, which should make it a lot easier to use, especially in wet weather...

The Trust's Annual General Meeting was held on 28th October 2024. Minutes are available here...

As users of the Common will realise, it costs a substantial amount annually to maintain the Common as a safe and pleasant environment which is open to all. Can you help us?...

We are currently working with Enfield Council to introduce a new drainage scheme (known as a "bund") on the part of the Common nearest to Parkgate Avenue...