Monken Hadley Common Trust

The Trust Is a registered charity which owns and runs Monken Hadley Common (“the Common”) – an area of about 74 ha of common land situated in north London, near the northern edge of the London Borough of Barnet – for the benefit of the public.
Maintaining the Common is not publicly funded, but relies largely on income from members and day to day management by volunteers.

The Common was originally created by the Enfield Chase Act of 1777, and under the terms of that Act it was held in trust for the Commoners; the Trust, which was formed on 30th September 2019 and was incorporated as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation on 31st May 2022 (Registered Charity Number: 1199156), took it over from the original trustees on 1st December 2022 as provided for by a new Act of Parliament – the Monken Hadley Common Act 2022.

Most of the Common is registered under the Commons Registration Act 1965 and its status as a common was not affected by the change in the ownership of the land and, though the Commoners no longer play any part in its management, their grazing rights were not affected by this change, either, notwithstanding the fact that these rights have not been exercised for very many years.

Under the terms of its Constitution the Primary Objects of the Trust are:

  • The preservation of Monken Hadley Common as a place for peaceful open air public recreation and enjoyment; and
  • The conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment of the Common for the benefit of the public, having regard to the requirements of good forestry and the desirability of conserving flora and fauna.

Since the Trust is a membership-based charity it is the members who appoint the trustees, and it is therefore they who are ultimately in control of it.

Become a Volunteer

Help preserve Monken Hadley Common for future generations by volunteering with the Monken Hadley Common Trust. Whether maintaining pathways, assisting with conservation, or supporting events, your efforts will make a real difference.

Sign up today to give back to your community and protect this cherished green space!

Become a member

Support the preservation and care of Monken Hadley Common by becoming a member today. Your membership helps maintain this historic green space for wildlife and the community to enjoy.

Join us to protect this natural treasure for future generations!

Come and enjoy the Common

Hadley Common is not a privilege for the few but a very necessary source of “quiet recreation” for the many: walking, dog walking, bird watching, angling, playing cricket, flying kites, watching the rabbits and the birds (and if you are very lucky, the deer) – and just sitting quietly listening to the wind in the trees.

All we ask is that, for the benefit of all the other visitors, you respect a few rules, which can be found here.


White Gates




Over 70 Hectares


Over 50 species of birds

Contact us

Duty Curator Phone:
Tel: 0701 424 6096

Latest News

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